ご到着が遅くなる方、夕食は別で済まされたい方向けの朝食付き(夕食なし)プランです。 「良い朝は、良い朝食から」女将プロデュース栄養満点の朝食を食べて、アクティブに志賀高原を楽しんでください。
This plan includes breakfast (no dinner) for those who will be arriving late or have your own dinner. ''A perfect day starts with a good breakfast.'' Enjoy the nutritious breakfast prepared by the hostess while enjoying the beauty of Shiga Kogen.
朝食:女将プロデュース 栄養満点のご朝食
Breakfast: A nutritious breakfast prepared by the hostess
疲れた身体をほぐしていただける広々とした大浴場がございます。 貸切風呂をご希望の方はご相談ください。
There is a spacious public bath where you can relax and unwind. Please contact us if you would like to use the private bath.
■ 全館Free Wi-Fi ■
客室・施設内にて Wi-Fiが無料でご利用いただけます。 *一部電波が弱い場所がございます。ご容赦下さいませ
Free Wi-Fi is available in rooms and within the hotel. Please be aware that you might experience weak signal in some areas. We apologized for any inconvenience this may cause.
■ ワーケーションスペース 無料開放 ■
仕事に集中したい方向けにテレワークや会議を行えるスペースを無料で利用できます。 モニターやホワイトボードもご利用頂けます。
For those who want to concentrate on their work, working space is available for telework and meetings. Available for complimentary including monitors and whiteboards.
■ 特典 ■
・Complimentary shuttle service (Pick-up/ Return) is provided to the nearest bus station. (Please contact the hotel for further arrangement.)
・For any transportations for mountain climbing or hiking, please feel free to notify us of your needs and we will make the necessary arrangements.
・Guests staying with us enjoy a discount of 1000 yen for the usage of ski simulator for 30 minutes.
・Receive a complimentary Shigakogen local beer on the 2nd night of your stay at dinner time if you are staying 2 nights in our hotel.
Please contact the hotel if you are arriving the hotel after 6pm.
朝食のみ | 24,400円 (12,200円/人/泊) |
受付時間 8:30〜17:00/年中無休(臨時休業あり)